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Python first project - Homework Scraping

"      This project is used to help me scrape an answer for my homework, especially on chemistry because I kept failing chemistry. The program shown above is just the simple version of the homework scraping, that only works for multiple choice type of question. This program can only be used for a specific type of question format, and in this case, all of my question is in Chinese, and luckily there's a specific word that is mostly used to conclude an answer in a site, which is " 故选 " . The question format on my homework file, has a similar pattern which is " 选择题 "or" 一、 ", which make separating the question easier. I used Beautiful soup 4 for scraping the answer, and I used docx module to read the homework docx file.     The program also has an advanced version, so I like to say. If the simple one scrape the multiple choice of question, then the advanced version would scrape an answer for the writing(essay, short answer, etc) question. The simple

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